

I have a lot to be thankful for this mother's day.

I am extremely fortunate to have married into a family full of such wonderful women. I look up to Brian's mom and Grandma very much, and I love that we are so close.
My mother is just about the best mom and Grandma you can imagine. I never would have guessed that her and I would end up with such a close relationship, but I'm so glad we have.
 I thank God for making me a mom, and for giving us the most delightful little girls. They bring me so much joy.

For as long as I can remember I have looked forward to being a mom. I wanted to be a mom so badly that I used to fear I wouldn't be able to have kids {weird fear for a teenager, i know}. The gift of motherhood is definitely not something I take for granted.

happy {belated} mother's day


queenbee said...

what a lovely post! you all look beautiful in yellow, perfect color for a sunny mother's day weekend. i am so grateful for our close relationship, and all the love, joy and laughter we share. you are the the best daughter and greatest blessing in my life.

mike and hillary said...

love all these pictures! and adalaide looks really pretty in that second 10 week one. love it.