
a bird? a snail?

I think, well i know, that i desperately want to start preparing for our baby girl. but, the major remodel that's taking place in 75% of our house is sort of keeping me from doing what i would normally want to be doing...you know, decorating the nursery, washing and putting away precious baby clothes, etc. Basically, since I can't be doing that I think I'm going a little crazy and finding other ways to use that part of my brain. case in point, i decided that this weekend i needed to learn how to applique. Is that even the correct way to use the word? Shows how much i know about it. Anyway, i made finley a shirt, and i was pretty proud of how it turned out. Until... I showed the shirt to my dear husband. This is pretty much how it went: me: look at what i made! brian: chuckles me: doesn't it look like it could be store bought! brian: what is it? me: blank stare. what do you mean? brian: is it a bird? me: looking at the shirt trying to see how he could possibly see a bird. Ummmm, no! brian: oh, is it snail? *for the record, it is neither. I mean come on, even my 2 year old knew it was a flower. **don't feel bad if you thought it was a bird, snail, or something else altogether. next time i'll stick with something less abstract.


queenbee said...

Of course it's a flower! Very cute...let's see a pic with Finley wearing it. Glad to see you are enjoying your sewing machine and crafting.

mike and hillary said...

brian, brian, brian! it is OBVIOUSLY a flower. and a very darling one too. nice work, megs! and keep teaching yourself how to do all of these cute things so that one day you can teach me. :)