
baby signs

So, I've always been sort of indifferent about baby sign language. I suppose I thought it was a lot of work, a huge commitment, etc... Well, lately I've been having trouble with Finley when she is "all done" eating. She starts throwing food on the floor and grabbing for the spoon. Basically, things get messy fast. I started thinking how nice it would be if she had a better (cleaner) way of saying all done. I pulled out a book we have on baby signs and brushed up on the signs that interested me (all done, eat, water, more, and book). Book is kind of random, but we read tons of books and the lazy part of me thinks it would be so nice to sign "book" and off she crawls to get us a book. I started signing these words this weekend, and it really wasn't that difficult. This morning when I said and signed the word book she crawled to the book shelf and started pulling out books (we're not quite to the fetching stage). I thought maybe it was a fluke. Surely she couldn't know what it means already? I tried it two other times throughout the day and each time she crawled off to look at a book. That can't be denied. 3 for 3 means she really gets it. I'm sure it will be quite a while before she is signing back at us, but I am just amazed at how quickly she is grasping it all. Of course I think that my daughter is brilliant, but sometimes I underestimate how much she is capable of. She is one smart cookie.


Andrea said...

We are firm believers around here that signing is a kids way of communicating before they are physically capable of talking (and after). It really shows how smart babies are if we give them the tools. It helps a ton with frustration as well. I was super lazy about it until I found videos to watch!

michelle said...

can't wait to see this in person. "all done" will be so useful to finley and hopefully help with mealtime struggles and messes. great job!

Meghan Elaine said...

My neice Charli signs and it is the cutest thing ever! My sister-in-law got frustrated with her grunting and crying when she was trying to tell her something. She mostly signs about food. I'm sure Finley will be a pro.